
Tuesday, May 22, 2012

One Year Ago Today

This happened.

And this.

And this.

And this.

I haven't spoken to some of the people in these photos since the day these photos were taken.

Not pictured:  A massive, ridiculous and totally unnecessary fight with my "best friend" later that night... he is no longer my best friend.

College was weird. I'm really glad it's over. (I know I might be the only 22-year-old in the world who thinks that.) But it is not and never was my scene.

I spent today applying for jobs and teaching the new girl how to do my former job. If anyone had told me that I would spend the day a year after my college graduation writing cover letters for jobs, I'm not sure how I would have reacted. I don't mind though. It's a good life I've got here.

Did you (or do you) adore every minute of college or were you as happy as I was to get out of there?


  1. Even though I got a job at my college (i.e. "never left college"), I am not, was not, and never will be into the college scene. I met some of my best friends ever (including you!!) in college, but that is just a happy coincidence. I did not enjoy every moment in college, I didn't expect to either. And I am okay with that. College is an period we all have to go through. We learn the lessons we need to learn, and then we move on.

  2. I'm looking forward to next year when I can have pictures similar to yours, honestly. My college has taught me a great deal, but, no, it's not my scene. I've always known that it was temporary, and it was meant to give me beauty to carry into the world with me... and I kind of want to start carrying it all into the world now. :) One more year.

  3. And soon it'll be my turn to begin my journey of college. I don't know how I'll like it, but I am VERY excited about finally taking a new step. I feel like we're always looking forward to those new things, even though they will be scary. And even though I haven't gone through college yet, I still get small flickers of excitement about being in "the real world."

    Liz B

    ps: So glad Frank is feeling better. :)

  4. In my country we call College 'University' and I am currently in my final my final month to be precise. The motto of my University is 'Find here who you really are'. It has been a roller-coaster ride. You find out many things about yourself and you get tried both academically and emotionally. But I believe it is a step that everyone should go through. I met some of the most beautiful friends ever thanks to the Catholic Chaplaincy on campus, and it has been a haven for me - somewhere I could go to when I sometimes felt that I did not belong anywhere. Yet, I am glad I will be going out very soon because I feel it's time to move on. Good luck to those who still have to enter college or 'university'...persevere and believe in yourself and your values :)

  5. Wow, ladies, your comments blow me away! I thought I was the only one who wasn't crazy about college and now I'm sitting here beaming in my cubicle over finding out other people feel this way too. Thank you for sharing your stories and thoughts - I think sharing what we honestly think and finding others who understand us (even if our opinions are far from the norm) is really the best part about blogging. :)
