
Friday, October 12, 2012

a weekend with emily

Emily and I went to college together and we both studied great books, adore Betsy-Tacy (her mom wrote the Betsy-Tacy Companion!), and enjoy blogging. As you can imagine, we easily hit it off.

When she came to visit me, we had a delightful weekend.

Browsing but not buying at Anthropologie... always
I met her at Union Station on Saturday morning and we walked down the National Mall to see the book festival that was going on.

When we stopped to rest on the grass and chat, she gave me the sweetest and most darling birthday present...

Personalized greeting cards! She designed and made them herself (and you can find them in her Etsy shop - seriously adorable). I was blown away at her thoughtfulness... and her creativity! But I shouldn't have been surprised. She is, after all, the girl who designed and made our PLS yearbook - and it's about a million times more wonderful than the official Notre Dame yearbook (although I might be biased in its favor since I'm on practically every page - perks of being friends with the editor!).

We went to lunch at a fresh, pretty South American restaurant called Oyamel - and it became hilariously apparent that we're bloggers when we took pictures of every single thing.

In our defense, the food came out looking really pretty. :)

I had never had ceviche at a restaurant before. It was almost as good as my mom's!

Best of all, they had chocolate con churros - it's a Spanish dessert where you dip the churros in hot chocolate before eating them. We even got a refill on the chocolate when we finished our first round.

I snapped a picture of Emily as we both photographed everything. Oh, the silly things we do for blogging.

On Sunday we had a group of our PLS friends over for brunch after Mass.

It was wonderful to catch up with them and show off my new place.

Aw man... I just love having friends come to visit. Emily, come back soon!

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