
Thursday, January 10, 2013

Real Life + BIG NEWS

I'm kind of obsessed with Kate's "real life" link-up idea. As a blogger, I get tempted to post just the happy, "shiny" things while leaving out the rougher parts of life. Her link-up is a great little reminder that we all have those rough "real life" moments.

Take this morning for example. I had an appointment at a fantastic clinic for Frank and I to learn how to use Natural Family Planning (required for our marriage in the Catholic Church). 

The appointment was amazing. I learned so much. Did you know that NaProTechnology, approved by the Church, treats infertility more effectively than IVF does? And helps women who have polycystic ovarian syndrome get pregnant, with a success rate of over 80 percent? This technology is truly incredible—and healthy and natural—yet for some reason we never hear about it. What's up with that? I've been pondering ways to spread the word.

But as we left, I realized we'd stayed a half hour too long (go figure, with me asking so many questions). Then we hit traffic—like really bad traffic, a bottleneck that had us crawling at a snail's pace—and then an overzealous cop pulled Frank over because one of his brake lights was out. When I finally made it to work, an hour after I said I'd get in, I realized I forgot my building access key at home, and the door guard had to buzz me up to my floor. Argghhhhh.

So it was one of those mornings. And to top it all off, I had to have a meeting with my boss...

... a meeting I was really nervous about and kind of dreading...

... a meeting to break the news that...



Ok, deep breaths!

I've been dying to tell you guys this news! Now that I've officially told my boss, I can make it public.

Here's the story: A law firm in Chicago offered Frank a great position. We weighed the pros and cons and decided we want to live near family as we begin welcoming children after our marriage. An opportunity like this doesn't come around every day. So Frank accepted, and he's moving to Chicago at the end of the month. I'll join him out there before the wedding in May.

Not gonna lie, part of me is terrified. I don't have a job lined up in Chicago and I love my job here. After struggling to find a job last summer and finally settling in to this job, I quail at the thought of doing it all over again in a new city. 

Then there's the social aspect. I haven't lived in Chicago since high school, and I was not the most mature person then. I don't think the people who knew me in high school are going to want to be BFFs, and I kind of don't blame them. Who am I going to be friends with? 

So I'm a little nervous and scared about the move, but I'm also pretty excited. I've always wanted to live near my parents and siblings, and raise my kids in the Midwest. I also know this is the best fit for Frank's career. As nervous as I am, I feel at peace about this decision. Confidence will come in time.

So there you go! My life is about to drastically change in yet another dramatic way. 

Does anyone have advice for making a big move across the country? Or any advice for job-searching in Chicago?

And most of all, will you still read my blog when it becomes "Book Smart in Chicago"? ;)


  1. I LOVE CHICAGO!! How wonderful... God bless you both!

    1. Thank you Iris! You'll have to let me know if you ever come visit the city while we're there!

    2. Most definitely! Maybe we can actually meet in person ;)

  2. And YES, I'll still be reading ;)

  3. What big, exciting news! Be assured of my prayers for you both during this time. We should meet in person before you leave, we live so close to each other! God bless you!

    1. Sarah Therese, I would LOVE that! Especially these next few months when Frank's not here, I'll be looking for things to do and people to spend time with... let's definitely get together soon!

  4. Yay Chicago! Congrats to Frank on the job-- you both must be thrilleddd! He's from New York, right? Is he nervous about moving away?

  5. This is so funny Tess-I'm moving from Chicago to Arlington soon! Let me know if you have any advice :) The one thing I will say is that the alumni club here is ENORMOUS.

    1. Oh no, we're like ships passing in the night!

      I definitely have lots of advice—my #1 tip is to go to all the events at the Catholic Information Center in downtown DC. It's the center of Catholic intellectual life in the District, and the community there is so much fun!

      Let me know if you need any more personalized advice or introductions to people, tips for places to go, etc. Somehow I seem constitutionally incapable of NOT giving advice on anything I know something about! :)

  6. How oh how did I not know about your blog? I think maybe I did at one point and I lost it... either way, I love it! Thanks for linking up! I LOVED the year I spent in Chicago. I have no job hunting tips at all. As for moving across country? Plan every little detail. From having a place to stay on the road (if necessary) to mapping out a place to eat or finding some delivery numbers before you get there. Good luck!

    1. Yay I'm so glad we're officially blog friends! I've definitely been admiring yours from afar for a while and I'm excited we were able to connect now. :)

      That's good to hear you loved Chicago, and GREAT advice on the moving. Thank you!

  7. Congrats on the the news! Exciting! I'm in Kenosha, WI and loved visiting Chicago growing up through the Metra. We should get together once you're in the area :) What's you're job area again? My fiance Anthony moved to the Midwest from Idaho. He packed up all his belongings and drove here after we were dating 6 months :) Trust in God's providence and that all will work out for the best :)

    1. Andrea, that would be so much fun to get together! Several of my friends over the years have been from the Kenosha area and it's a perfect distance to visit Chicago. Frank and I would love to meet up with you and Anthony after the move!

      My job area is publishing, editing, writing, etc. I have a few leads for possible openings and might have an interview in the next week or two—fingers crossed! You're right, I need to just trust and know that God will provide. :)

  8. AHHHHHHHH!!!!! YAAAAAAAAAY!!!!! Congratulations to Frank! Don't worry about finding a job, God will provide. I somehow found one while pregnant, and it was the best one that I could have hoped for...all because of God! You two are very wise to move near family when little ones are in the near future.

    This is great! Maybe we can meet up some time when we come to Chicago?!

    1. Thank you Katrina! That's such hopeful news—like you said, God will provide the right job. Yes, it seems a little silly to move "for the children" now, when we're not even married yet, but from everything my married friends say, in a few years I'll be really glad we made this decision!

      I would absolutely love to get together! That would be so much fun. You'll have to let me know when you come to the area and hopefully we can make it happen! Maybe we can even get Laura out for a visit?

  9. Ahhhh Chicago is such a neat city! You will love it! Congrats to Frank and good luck with moving! :)

    1. Thanks Caitlin! I'm definitely looking forward to exploring Chicago and getting to know the city a little better. Thanks for the good wishes!

  10. It is cool that you get to take your NFP classes at the Tepeyac Family Center. I met Dr. Bruchalski in college when he came to speak to our pro-life group and he seemed great. :)

    1. Wow, that must have been amazing! I haven't met him yet but after learning about the history of the Center, I'm just in awe of the people who founded it and the amazing work they do there. I practically had to pinch myself when we went there for our appointment! It's awesome that you've heard of it too. :)

  11. WHOOO! So close to me :D

    1. I know!!! I can't wait! I definitely hope to be seeing more of you in the upcoming months Miss Vanessa :)

  12. Wow! Congratulations to you two! Of course I'm sorry that we won't be living as close to one another after our marriages that we had hoped, but this gives me an excuse to go out and see the midwest. Blessings on you as you prepare for another big change! It will be SO nice to be near family. Peter and I will be living in the same town as his family for the first year or two, and I'm sure it will make easing into life as a wife and mother a lot less stressful.

    God bless you!

    1. Thanks, Clare! I know, that's the sad part... I was really looking forward to hanging out with you, and a part of me was definitely secretly hoping we would start our own little Catholic wives' and mothers' group branching out of the CYW blog. But like you said, this is an excuse to visit the midwest, and you and Peter are always welcome! We'd love to see you!

  13. Congratulations to Frank!

    I've been reading your blog for a few months (as a fellow Brideshead Revisited lover) and I thought I should finally drop a comment, especially now that you're moving to Chicago! (I'm from the 'burbs!)

    You have an exciting year ahead of you and I can't wait to follow your adventures! : )


    1. Nice, those are some fantastic things to have in common! Thank you so much for commenting. I absolutely love when someone comes out of the woodwork and goes, "So I've been reading your blog..." It's always so fun!

      I can't wait to follow your adventures too—so glad I discovered your blog!

  14. God's got such a wonderful plan for you both deary :) I'm so happy for you -- and just trust Him. He threw this blessing your way, and He will surely lead you right through any struggles that come.

    And of course I'll still read about your adventures!

    1. Thank you Liz! You're right, it really is just about trust. Somehow I can never quite master that little habit. :) But I know it will all work out for the best. So good to hear from you!

  15. I found your blog through Kate's link up! Sounds like you are going to have a pretty exciting/crazy next few months!

    1. That's exciting, I loved the theme of her link-up and thought it was a great change of pace. Her blog is such a good one and I'm glad to discover your blog through hers too. Thanks for reading!

  16. Of course I'll still read Book Smart in Chicago! : )

    1. Yay! It was probably a silly question, but that's encouraging to hear!

  17. How exciting! Congrats to Frank on the new job! It will be so nice to be near family when y'all have kids and it's great that you will at least have nine months before in your new city before that happens. We moved across the country when Claire was teeny tiny and it's been hard to meet people! First of all, it took so long to get unpacked with a newborn to take care of and now that we are, there are so many evening events that we can't go to because babysitters are so expensive!

  18. Hey! Thanks for joining our link-up! Sorry I'm a little late getting around to everyone's blog from last week. We were traveling and finally got home. I love your blog though!!!
    I wish our parish had made us take an NFP class before we got married. I had tried to teach myself beforehand and then we said we'd take a class once we were finally hitched, but before we got around to it there was Damian haha Having an instructor is super helpful :-) Anyway, all the best with the move to Chicago!

  19. Holy cow, great news! Can't wait to follow the Windy City adventures!
