
Wednesday, July 16, 2014

New job, wild life

What a whirlwind week. I resigned from my old job at the university because they wanted me to continue working in the office full-time, and I just couldn't do that. I was incredibly anxious about how we would make ends meet without my income, but in perfect timing, I was offered a part-time editing job working from home for MTF. God is good. I joyfully accepted, of course, and went in for job training this morning while my mom watched Frankie.

I posted this on Facebook yesterday: "The new job will allow me to work from home so I can be a full-time mama as well as a part-time editor. I'm grateful for this chance to grow my career while caring for my family, and looking forward to learning the balancing act of the working mom!" Little did I imagine how quickly that "balancing act" comment would become reality. This morning was a comedy of errors. Frankie decided to join the anti-sleep brigade and allowed me to get a total of 4 hours of (very interrupted) sleep last night. My pump stopped working so I was frantic trying to find a way to get milk for Frankie for the time my mom would be watching him (luckily it started working again after much fiddling). And right before I left the house this morning, the little one decided it was the perfect time to blow out his diaper ... all over my nice work blazer. GREAT. Somehow I still managed to make it to my training on time, and I won't have to go into the office again for a while so this won't be a regular occurrence. Bright sides abounding.

This is going to mean even more sporadic blogging, since working 20 hours a week plus 24/7 baby watching plus the whole cooking/cleaning/housekeeping routine does not a lot of free time make. I actually considered taking a break from blogging for a while, but then I realized I couldn't do that, because blogging is my release and I would be even more stressed without it. Thanks for your patience, guys. I'm going to try to make up in quality what my posts will lack in quantity.

Aaaaand here's a random pic of us at a wedding over the weekend, because it's just not a post without a visual, right?

By the way, Land's End wins my heart forever and ever. Their dresses are cute, affordable, modest, AND nursing-friendly. Best of all worlds.

p.s. My mom snapped this photo of Frankie and me to celebrate my first day as a working mom:

It's going great so far!


  1. You can do it!!! And it's going to be awesome. Hang in there!

  2. I'm not ashamed to say I just got that dress in 2 colors, LOL. It looks fabulous on you!

    1. Nice!! I wish I'd gotten more colors. :) And thanks! Hope you love it as much as I do!

  3. Way to go -- figuring out a new work situation that will allow you to mother *and* feel like you are contributing financially to your family *and* satisfy the parts of yourself that desire to be engaged in meaningful, interesting work. Trifecta!

    1. That is the PERFECT way of putting it! Thanks!

  4. Congrats on the new job!
    You guys all look fabulous in the picture! I love those color on you!

  5. Hey, you just started following me on Insta, so I checked out your blog and wound up on this post because I also work from home and it has been ... not what I expected. Anywho, trotting off to read the rest of your archives now! Nice to e-meet you!

  6. I make $20 for each 20 minute survey!

    Guess what? This is exactly what big companies are paying for. They need to know what their customer base needs and wants. So large companies pay $1,000,000's of dollars every month to the average person. In return, the average person, like myself, answers some questions and gives them their opinion.
