
Tuesday, February 12, 2013

More happy news!

I might as well start calling myself an evangelist with all the good news I'm sharing these days. :)

First, I was honored to appear on one of my favorite blogs today. Thank you to lovely Hallie for her shout-out, and welcome Moxie Wife readers! It's a pleasure to have you here!

Second, I'm dying to show you guys what I have cooked up for Frank for Valentine's Day. I can't reveal yet since he reads my blog (hi hon!) but let's just say I got uncharacteristically creative.

Third, I have a second-round interview with a company in Chicago next week. I've been struggling to find jobs there that seem like a good fit for me, and this one seems amazing. If you don't mind, please spare a prayer that they hire me!

Fourth, my freelance editing side-career has really taken off. I worked a record 16 hours on freelance work this week, and still have more projects to complete. I've never worked this hard before... and it feels great! And it keeps me busy while Frank is gone. I'll be posting soon about finding freelance editing work.

Fifth, I planned the silliest and most awesome event for Valentine's Day. Since Frank and I won't be together, I wanted to celebrate with my friends... and I might have wanted some of my single friends to mingle and meet each other (yes, my matchmaking is incurable). So here's what I came up with: "Valentine's Day Barbecue." A big gathering of friends to eat brisket, slaw, and drink root beer at good old Rockland's. A lot of people are coming and I'm so excited!

Sixth, the best news of all to me... I'll see Frank in just four days. This is the longest we've ever been apart and I. Can't. Wait!

Hope you are having a great Mardi Gras!


  1. Yaaaaaaaay for all of these things!! So happy that you get to see Frank soon. Oh long distance...really makes you appreciate your time together!

    1. No kidding! People who have done long-distance keep telling me, "You'll really appreciate how the distance makes you grow as a couple!" and while I'm grateful for that thought I think I'd be fine with less growing-as-a-couple for the sake of less distance. I'm getting more and more impatient to move to Chicago. :)

  2. Hope the job interview goes well! I love the look of your blog, btw. :)

    1. Thanks, Teresa! I'm glad you like it - it took me a while to develop it and put together the html and the visual components. I experimented with a bunch of other styles first, so it's nice to hear the final one makes a good impression!

  3. I have something fun and creative cooked up for you too ;)
