So goodbye finals!
It was fun! But I am done studying for the next few weeks, thanks.
Don't worry, I am still reading OF COURSE. Isn't that what plane rides are for?
My sister and I waiting at the airport. Oh, I am the one who looks exhausted. Why do I look so tired? Maybe because I was up all night finishing a certain final.
I read the first 2 chapters of Orthodoxy by G.K. Chesterton on the plane. It is fascinating. I will write more about it soon.
I am staying with my cousins tonight.
I walked in the door of their house after a long plane ride and sleepless night. The best sight in the world met my eyes.
My sweet little Cuban abuela, cooking up some yummy arroz con pollo (rice and chicken, Cuban-style) for dinner. My favorite.
I am home!
It had been at least 100 years since I saw my little siblings, so they ambushed me. Well really, I ambushed them. I refused to stop hugging them for 15 minutes straight.
This is my life tonight.
Isn't it wonderful?
Looks like "A Wonderful Life"! haha. My grandparents are also having their 50th anniversary soon, and my other grandparents had theirs last year. It must have been a good time to get married in the late 50s/early 60s.