
Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Old Navy Giveaway!

Photo credits to my awesome sister-in-law and her SWEET film camera!
So guys, funny story. Last week I was surprised to see a totally unexpected deposit of unknown origin in my checking account. Turns out that many many months ago, long before Frankie was born, I had set up an account with blog ads (as seen on the right sidebar over there) and for the first time in over SIX YEARS of blogging, I had made money off my blog.

I found this kind of hilarious, especially since it happened at a time when I'm neglecting this poor blog more than I ever have before. There may have been a point in my life when I thought I could make money off blogging, but those days are long gone. Blogging is my hobby, a creative release and an amazing way to make friends. I love that so many of you guys reading this are friends of mine in real life, or friends who FEEL like we know each other in real life even though we've never met offline. I absolute love blogging, but I don't think this blog is ever going to be a real source of income for me.

So I tried to think of what I could do with this nice little surprise extra income, and I realized that the only thing that really makes sense is to give it back to YOU. You guys are the ones who keep coming back here and reading and sending the nicest comments and emails even when I don't blog for weeks and weeks. You guys and this awesome blog community have given me the best advice, helped me through rough patches, and you never fail to brighten my day. So I thought it would be fun to use this extra bit of cash to do a giveaway for you all.

You guys know how much Frank and I love Old Navy (both for ourselves and for Frankie too!), and I wanted to do a giveaway that would appeal to the moms and dads out there as well as those who don't have kids (as most of you don't). So I'm giving away two $25 gift cards to one of our favorite stores, Old Navy.

On to the giveaway! Enjoy, and I hope YOU win!

Giveaway ends December 6th at 12:00 AM CST. Winner will be selected randomly and be notified by email. 

Oh, and this probably goes without saying, but this post is not sponsored. (Like Old Navy would ever sponsor a post on this, the Tiniest Mommy Blog of Them All.) Never say never, but it's highly unlikely that you'll ever see a sponsored post here.

Good luck!


  1. I hope to win!…and then go shopping with you!!

  2. As long as you keep posting pictures of that adorable baby- my girls and I will keep reading! If I win- I'll take the gift card on my next Christmas shopping excursion. Trying to Christmas shop for five kids is always an (expensive) adventure.

  3. Frankie! He's adorable. I'd like to win to get another skirt or some warm tights.

  4. You know, I rarely shop at Old Navy but my favorite maternity jeans are from there. Now that I'm pregnant again I'm sure I could find something great there! Also, reading this post I found myself nodding along. It seems like you and I have the same approach towards our blogs. Glad we found each other!

  5. After four years in Florida, and then a giant pregnant winter in Illinois, my winter wardrobe is LACKING. :D and I want to make little Will Frankie's Old Navy style twin.

  6. Awesome! Old Navy is the best. :)

  7. Most of my maternity wardrobe is made up of things from Old Navy (most of them non-maternity pieces). Old Navy was my high school job, and I still find myself folding things every time I'm there.

  8. We have some Chicago friends in common, I think!

  9. How fun! Thanks for the chance to win. Would love to get some coordinated Christmas outfits or jammies for my kids just for kicks!

  10. You're sweet for giving that money away! Love me some Old Navy!!

  11. How kind to give back! I'll try for old navy!

  12. I love Old Navy too! I want to win because my current winter wardrobe + my weight gain are not friends ;)

  13. How sweet and wonderful of you. I also love that I now know that you are on Facebook and Instagram.

  14. I was actually thinking about doing a clothing post where I mention that Old Navy is my absolute favorite store! You're the best! :)

  15. I'd love to win to get some clothes for my new job!


  16. Our baby is due in just a couple months and the Old Navy gift card would go a long way!

  17. Why do I want to win it? Because shopping is AMAZING! I would like to get some winter pieces. It's so sweet of you to do this giveaway. <3

  18. Hey, MY Frankie wears clothes too. :) What a sweet giveaway.

  19. I'd love to win this giveaway because I'm pregnant with my first baby and need some maternity clothes! :)

  20. I love your blog and old navy-my fave!!! It has been wonderful to follow your life just a bit since I *knew you through blogging from before you even met Frank! lol

  21. This comment has been removed by the author.

  22. Free money for shopping? Of course you can count me in. 😊😊

  23. I want to win because I like shopping at Old Navy

  24. My son is outgrowing all of his clothes, so I need to get him some new ones.

  25. I want to win because it would be a good excuse to buy matching clothes for my two sons. 1.5 y and 3 days :)

  26. I would love to get some clothes for my two kids!

  27. I love Old Navy clothes for Simon. Handsome, but good for the budget :)

  28. old navy has great gifts this holiday season...livivua

  29. Awww, you are too kind, Tess! I do have some Old Navy items on the boys' wishlists. :)

  30. Fun. I started reading your blog a few months ago when I was pregnant with my first baby (who was born in September) and I love it. I'd use that money to buy some new things for my son, of course ;)

  31. Start on my Christmas shopping :)

  32. I would love to win because I have a almost teenager (10 more days and she will be one) and she is allll about shopping and Old Navy is one of her favs - so I'd love to win for her!
    Erika W.

  33. Love Old Navy, giveaways are pretty fantastic too! ;)

  34. I would love to get some new clothes from Old Navy!

  35. I'd love to win to add a little extra to my Christmas shopping budget :)
